Waste to Stable Salts (WATSS) Moves Forward in Canada

Moltex Energy continues to develop its WAste To Stable Salts (WATSS) Technology with the help of one of Canada’s largest electricity providers. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has stated its interest in the Research and Development on Moltex’s fuel conversion technology, WATSS.

This innovative Moltex technology has tremendous potential for solving the world’s most critical challenge, providing safe, clean and affordable energy. 

“We are observing Moltex Energy’s WATSS R&D program to gain an understanding of the opportunities that Moltex’s innovative technology can play in managing used fuel waste from current nuclear power generating plants,” said Robin Manley, VP New Nuclear Development at OPG. “Advanced nuclear reactor and SMR technology can play an important role in providing clean non-carbon emitting energy in Canada, and safe sustainable management of fuel waste is an important part of that.”

“This is very encouraging for Moltex Energy and we are pleased to have OPG’s interest in the development of our technology,” said Moltex Energy North American CEO Rory O’Sullivan. “Early customer engagement is key. We can benefit from their vast experience and knowledge in the Canadian nuclear industry. We look forward to working with OPG.”

Moltex is working to demonstrate the commercial viability of the WATSS technology to convert spent CANDU fuel into new fuel that can produce more clean energy from a Stable Salt Reactor. This is being done with the University of New Brunswick, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories and several partners in the United Kingdom.


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