Moltex to present at CERAWeek

Houston, Texas (Thursday, March 9, 2023) – Moltex Energy Canada Inc. (Moltex) will present as part of CERAWeek by S&P Global this year – a leading annual event for the energy industry.

Moltex’s presentation will take place as part of Innovation Agora, which brings together ideas and insights on energy innovation, emerging technologies, and solutions. It will discuss how the company’s nuclear waste-to-energy process can help solve the energy dilemma, as worldwide energy demands grow alongside an urgent need to reduce carbon emissions.

About the session:

WHAT: How nuclear waste-to-energy can help solve the energy dilemma

WHO: Tristan Jackson, VP, Corporate Development

WHEN: Thursday, March 9, 9 am CST

WHERE: Third level, George R. Brown Convention Center

WHY: Learn how Moltex’s technologies offer a solution to nuclear waste and enable other forms of clean energy, including renewables and hydrogen production, which together can answer the related needs for affordable energy, decarbonization, economic growth, and grid stability and security.

Media contact:

Aleisha Bosch
Communications Officer

About Moltex:  

Moltex is a nuclear technology leader that has caught the attention of governments, utilities and investors worldwide. It is developing three unique technologies: a Stable Salt Reactor – Wasteburner (SSR-W) that uses recycled nuclear waste as fuel; a WAste To Stable Salt (WATSS) process for recycling nuclear waste to produce SSR-W fuel; and GridReserve thermal energy storage tanks, enabling the SSR-W to act as a peaking plant. Moltex was selected by NB Power to progress development of its reactor technology in New Brunswick, Canada, with the goal of deploying first-of-a-kind SSR-W, WATSS and GridReserve units at the Point Lepreau site.


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