Moltex Energy and Bristol University develop wireless control systems

Two members have been added to Moltex Energy’s Technical Advisory Board to bring a wider deph of technical input to the development of the Stable Salt Reactor and associated technologies. Thy are:

Jae Young Lee, Ph.D. who brings industrial collaborations and technical expertise in thermal hydraulics and gas management. Dr. Lee has a Ph.D. in Nuclear and Quantum Engineering from KAIST. He is POSCO chair professor of school of mechanical and control engineering at the Handong  Global University, and  Dean of Industry-University Collaboration at the Handong Global University. He is a Member of  Committee of national nuclear R&D  program of Ministry of  Science and ICT, Korea and Head of the Creative Korea project for Handong Globalk University and POSCTECH which is a consortium supported by the Ministry of Education , Korea.

Juan Matthews PhD FInstP who brings a wealth of experience on nuclear materials. Dr. Matthews is a Visiting Professor at the Dalton Nuclear Institute, The University of Manchester,  and previously Nuclear Specialist at the UK Trade and Investment Department (now DIT).


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