Moltex Energy Publishes Cost of Electricity

In an interview with Nuclear Energy Insider Moltex reveals its overnight capital cost of under $2/W based on an independent cost estimate by a leading UK engineering firm. Further reductions to this overnight cost are expected for modularised construction. For comparison, the capital cost of a modern pulverised coal power station in the U.S. is $3.25/W and the cost of Hinkley Point C is $7.46/W.
This low capital cost results in a Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) of just $44/MWhr with substantial potential to be yet lower, because the estimate assumes that Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs will be the same as for current UK Pressurised Water Reactors. The greater simplicity and intrinsic safety of the Stable Salt Reactor are expected to allow those O&M costs to be reduced significantly.
See full article here


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